Who we are?


Although I grew up in the countryside, I discovered the magic of hiking and camping after years of living in Tartu. Escaping the office was like a breath of fresh air when I was writing my PhD thesis in forestry. I realised just how important it is to keep in touch with what is real – the nature. Now, as a parent, I think it is just great that I can take my little ones outdoors and show them there is more to life than the Internet. It is worth paying attention to!


Despite the fact that I grew up in the countryside, I am not afraid to admit that my respect for and awareness about nature started increasing with my forestry studies. I feel comfortable in the forest and my admiration for the purity and power of the pristine Estonian environment is endless. Nowadays, there are thousands of opportunities to forget about your origins and the main principles of wildlife. Do not let it happen!


My childhood was spent in the countryside, as ours was a farming family. Besides doing chores on the farm I spent every moment I could in the wilderness. In spring and summer my favourite things to do were fishing and studying insects. I could watch ants for hours doing their thing in their ant hill. In autumns I loved to pick mushrooms from our own forest and help pickle them for winter. At the moment I am earning my everyday living as a scientist in a molecular biology lab, and I miss the things that filled my childhood. What we do with 0dB gives me the opportunity to spend more time revisiting these memories.


It all started with treehouses and war games in the forest. I went on to study biology in university and found myself hiking in Estonian nature more and more. And here I am now – passionate about silence, the purity of nature and wilderness. Not to mention photography, another hobby that has been a part of me for a long time. All these round up to make a nice combination – I do not just enjoy precious views, I also want to capture them for others to enjoy.